Thursday, September 30, 2010

Life is just full of new beginnings

After twelve extraordinary years, Team Tania is retiring.  This past weekend's ride was nothing short of amazing as the weather held out for us.  Just a bit warm on Saturday and overcast on Sunday.  If you want to see the team, please visit Team Tania where you will see our mission, our accomplishments, and, of course, Tania.

That said, it's time now to take what we on the team have learned and start again.  Being the nation's largest Friends and Family team, there will no doubt be several spin-offs.  After all, isn't that the way we grow as a family?

For me, its been quite a ride with the team.  We started with six people and grew to over 400+ members.  Overall, we raised nearly $1.6 million, and we're quite proud of that accomplishment.  We won all sorts of awards and national recognition.  So, why is the team "retiring"?

Because, it's not about the team.  The charity ride we do is for people like Tania and for those that care for them.  It's about giving hope, encouragement, and some joy.  It's time for the team to move on to the next step -- move on and grow some more.

But, how does that relate to you, the reader?  "Sure," you say.  "Your team did a great job, but now what?"

Here's my challenge to you:  No matter where you are in life, you're at some point where you can say that you've accomplished something.  Even if you say that you're a failure, you've at least accomplished that much.  Now, move on and grow.

Yes, it's been nearly two years since my last posting here.  Probably no one in the world even noticed.  However, since then a lot has happened to make me reconsider why I started doing this small bit on the net.  I finished college and am now working on my MBA.  I have a wonderful daughter now in her second year of college.  My wife is healthy, which is to say a lot.  And most importantly, God is working on me and my stubborn, self centered personality.

There is going to be a lot of change in the near future.  Not just for me, but for a lot of people in the United States and around the world.  The pace at which it has been happening has been increasing each year.  Where will we fit in as Christians?  Or should we?  Jesus taught some pretty hard lessons.  He was able to succeed with this mission.  So can we.

Are we perfect all the time?  Obviously not -- just take a look at the news.  I would love to be able to ride like Lance Armstrong.  I can study the videos, read his books, read his commentators.  But, when I get on the bike, I'm stuck with my legs and not his.  On the other hand, everything I've learned makes me a better cyclist.  It's the same when following Jesus' teachings.  Although I'm stuck with this body and mind, when I study his, mine gets better.  Not absolutely perfect, but better.

So, again, here is my challenge to you:  Are you going to move on and grow?  Life is full of restarts and new beginnings.  Take a chance and do it.  I'll bet you have desires and dreams.  Until you put some steps into them, you're just daydreaming.

For me, yes, I'm restarting here again.  No one may ever see these writings, however, I believe that I should start up again and keep to it.  If you are one of the few followers here, perhaps you'll keep me to task as well.  Along the way, perhaps we can learn from and encourage each other.

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